Amazing tools and resources for anyone learning a language

All free (or stated otherwise)!

I’ve put together a list of top links for language learners that will come in handy for anyone trying to learn a new language. Discover unique ways of starting a conversation, take a test to find out what learner type you are or read what tips other learners have for you. If you are interested in resources for learning English online or learning German online, take a look there, too.

Take this test from North Carolina State University to instantly  find out what type of learner you are

Not sure how to start a conversation? Here are 250 quality conversation starters and if humor is more your thing: 93 really funny ones!

Read this interesting article from Lifehacker: 4 stages of language learning. The author, an opera singer, has managed to learn various languages in a rather short period of time.

CNet put together a list of 10 great language learning apps, most of them you need to pay for, however you might want to check them out.

Find a Tandem Partner: Practice speaking any language with a tandem partner. Find a partner who will speak to you in the language you want to learn and you to them in your native language. Free and fun!

Extremely comprehensive site of free resources for everyone: college students, teachers, kids, working professionals and English language students. Make sure to check out these educational resources from Grabon. You’ll find online libraries, ebooks, courses, websites, etc.

Find out all about (international) tongue twisters and how they can help you with pronunciation, enunciation and building up confidence. Even actors and politicians use them to overcome fears of public speaking. And best of all – they’re fun!

Learn 40+ Languages for free: If this sound too good to be true, then try out the language courses from FSI (Foreign Language Institute). The FSI language courses cover over 40 languages from the most spoken in the world to some less well known ones. Some of the language learning material is a bit dated, but it is still possible for someone to learn a huge amount from this material This material is public domain, that means we have put it up at no costs, and with no commercials. Feel free to use and download the PDF files and audios on this page however you would like. All of these files are the original, and some of them are a bit old (over 30 years) so some of the information in them may be a bit out of date, but they are still the best free language courses you can find anywhere.

You can learn a language no matter what age you are! – Good news! It is a myth that only children are quick to pick up a new language. Try it as a family

“Tips for Giving Clear Talks”: valuable tips on overcoming the fear of public speaking.

Ivypanda analyzed the root causes of the challenges that people face when presenting their ideas in front of a crowd, how to tackle them, and give key recommendations for improving presentation skills.